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FDIC-Insured - Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government
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Midwest BankCentre is committed to keeping your information secure. 

Our goal is to help you protect yourself against identity theft and fraud. While we have a number of security measures in place to help protect you, the best defense against fraud is you. Below we have provided some links and information to help you stay safe online.

Security Techniques
  • Install a security software suite that includes anti-virus, anti-spyware, malware and adware detection, from a reputable vendor. Keep the software up-to-date through an automatic update feature and configure it to perform recurring, automated complete system scans on a routine basis. 
  • Protect your passwords. Never have password information written down. Do not share user IDs.
  • Do not allow your computer or web browser to save your login names or passwords.
  • Be suspicious of emails and text messages purporting to come from Midwest BankCentre or government agencies requesting verification of information. Do not click on any links provided, always type in in your internet browser address bar to access our site. 
  • Utilize a security expert to test your network or run security software that will aid you in closing known vulnerabilities.
  • Be aware of changes to the look of your online banking login screens. If the screens are unfamiliar or you are prompted multiple times for a security code, contact us immediately.
  • Always use dual control when processing any payment entries; one individual to initiate the entry and a second individual to approve the entry. 
  • Educate users on good cyber security practices to include how to avoid having malware installed on a computer.
  • Monitor and reconcile your accounts daily. Keep all account information secure.
  •  Ultimately the best way to insulate your business against fraudulent online banking transactions is to use a dedicated PC that is not used for other online activity. Implement white listing methods to prevent the system from going to any site/address that does not have a documented business need. This would include, web browsing, social networking and most importantly email.
ACH Payment Awareness
  • Always set up dual control for any outgoing payments, one user to initiate the ACH and a second user to approve the ACH. 
  • Review user permissions and limits periodically. Administrators should set user permissions and limits based off your company’s historical transmissions.
  • Obtain written authorizations from all ACH participants. Any time you set up a new participant to either send money to or receive money from, you are required to have them sign an authorization agreement. You must keep these on file for at least 2 years after the revocation of the authorization.
  • Take action immediately to correct an ACH participant’s banking information when a Notice of Return or Correction is received. For changes to routing or account number, you are required to receive a new authorization form from the participant.
Wire Payment Awareness
  • Wire transfers pose one of the single greatest risks of loss to a company because of the speed with which losses can occur, the potential size of such losses, and the inability to recover the funds once they are transferred to the destination institution.
  • Always send wire payments out using dual control, one user to initiate the wire and a second user to approve the wire.
  • Administrators should set reasonable wire transfer limits for all users.
  • Monitor and reconcile your accounts daily.
  • Never access your online banking to send a payment from a public computer at a hotel, library or public
    wireless access point.
  • Never share user IDs or passwords