Dream Big. Rise Together.
We believe that when we DREAM BIG, we can all RISE TOGETHER.
At Midwest BankCentre we are committed to investing capital profitably in our whole community to give the most people the support to live their dreams and create better futures.
We are invested in others' success. We reinvest local deposits locally - in mortgages, lines of credit and business loans - and that builds a community return on investment that we call Rising Together®.
Meet Local Business Owners that are Dreaming Big |
MIDWEST BANKCENTRE ENABLES BUSINESSES TO SUCCEED: Meet Dan Bippen, a third-generation business owner of Kuna Foodservices which has been serving the Midwest since 1918. Kuna Foodservice distributes more than 8,000 items to restaurants, retail outlets, institutional caterers and hotels throughout the Midwest thanks to Midwest BankCentre’s support. Midwest BankCentre has helped Kuna Foodservice grow to the business they are today by handling their financial and loan services.
Meet Tracy Hart, the president of Tarlton Coporation, a general contracting and construction management company in St. Louis that works throughout the Midwest. Tracy is the third generation business owner, who was named president in 1999. Tarlton is deeply rooted in St. Louis and thanks to Midwest BankCentre’s understanding of Tarlton's industry, we have allowed Tarlton to continue to succeed.
MIDWEST BANKCENTRE HELPS FAITH-BASED ORGANIZATIONS TO HELP ALL DREAM BIG AND RISE TOGETHER: Meet Rev. Dr. Michael Jones, the Pastor of Friendly Temple Baptist Church, a faith-based organization, who is following in the footsteps of his grandfather who founded the church in 1955. As senior pastor of the 12,000-member church, Rev. Jones oversees religious services and leads the church’s economic development and community outreach efforts. Two years ago, Midwest BankCentre and Rev. Jones entered a partnership that has afforded many citizens in the community to participate in a process that better positioned them to reap rewards and gain benefits from systems that have historically denied them opportunities.
Here's How We Can Help You |